Adding a New Transaction
AGENTVIEW allows you to create unlimited transactions within your contacts profile. To create a new transaction, perform the following steps:
All transaction creation takes place within the client profile. To create a new transaction, click on the “New Transaction” button as see in the image below.
Once clicked, the new transaction form will display allowing you to type in the details for the transaction.
The new transaction detail form will ask for the following information:
- Transaction Type: Here you can select the type of transaction from the following options:
o Purchase
o Sale
o Lease
- Transaction name: Here you can enter the name you would like to call the transaction.
- Subject Property Address: Here you can enter in the property address associated with the transaction.
- Escrow Number: Here if available, you can enter in the transaction number assigned to this transaction. If its not available, you can also enter it at a later time.
- Estimated Close Of Escrow: Here you can select the estimated close of escrow date for this transaction.
Once the information has been entered, you can click on “Create Transaction”
All transaction records will be displayed on the Transactions section of the contact profile.