Support Center

Adding a new Commission through the Commission Tracker

Adding a new commission to AGENTVIEW CRM is a vital process for tracking and compensating agents for their sales and services. Here's a brief description of how to accomplish this task:


To add a new commission, click on the button that reads “Add Commission”.


Here you can fill out the form by filling out the following fields.

Commission Name: Here you can enter the name you with to call this commission. Example: 123 Main St.

Select Type: Here you can select the type of commission you are creating. You can select from the following options.

-          Purchase Listing

-          Listing for sale

-          Listing for lease

Transaction Status: Here you can select the status of the commission. You can select from the following options.

-          Active

-          Pending

-          Sold/Leased

-          Expired

Selling Price: Enter in the selling price of the unit in question. (When entering the dollar amount, you do not need to ass the $ sign)

Commission Type: Enter the type of commission for this unit. You can select from the following.

-          Commission

o   When selecting Commission, you will need to enter the following information.

§  Your commission % amount (Only enter the number value) Once the % amount is entered, AGENTVIEW will calculate your commission amount.

-          Amount

o   When selecting Amount, enter in the commission dollar amount (Only enter the dollar value).

Assign A Property To This Transaction (Optional): AGENTVIEW allows you to tie your commission to a property transaction that you created under your contact profile. This is optional and it not required to create the commission.

Assign A Contact To This Transaction (Optional): AGENTVIEW allows you to tie a contact from your CRM Contact on to the commission. This is optional and it not required to create the commission.

Once the information has been entered you can click on the “Create” button to build your commission. Your commission will then be displayed on the “My Commissions” section.